Climiti's Projects

During our several year of activity we have had opportunity of working on a wide array of projects in different industries around the world.

We customize our approach to reduce costs while helping each client achieve more efficient operations.

See below for some of our projects:

Performed the due diligence, assisted management to better understand the do’s and the don’ts of operating a European subsidiary, identified and assessed growth opportunities, assisted the organization during the negotiation process through the finalization of the acquisition.

Analyzed the North American market and the competitors’ offerings, developed and implemented a market access strategy, assisted the client during the product certification phase in order to comply with US and Canadian regulations. In addition, we identified and negotiated a cooperative agreement with a US-based distributor.

Helped its client to address some business issues that negatively impacted the relationship with the importer; as a result  the client’s revenues increased by 45% within a year.

Assisted the company’s owner to formalize its business model, define its business plan and market offerings. The company has since received funds from a Canadian business incubator and opened a subsidiary in Hong Kong.

In particular, defined and implemented a contact program targeting representatives of international and national organizations with the objective of creating bilateral relationships between the foundation and its partners, and the international and national organizations in the host country. In addition, we’ve assisted the foundation in resolving some organizational elements of the program, which resulted in significant financial savings.

Identified and analyzed investment possibilities, conducted due diligence, reported to the CEO, extensively supported the deals negotiation. All for more than $100M of highly profitable investment opportunities.

Assisted an EU multinational tech company in identifying, developing and launching new products into the American and Asian markets. In particular, we supported the product development and marketing teams, located in different geographies, in consumer analysis, design, industrialization and mandatory certifications.

Navigation algorithms, controls, and communications for an Autonomous Underwater Robot were designed from scratch, implemented, tested, and iteratively improved.
The objective was automated location of an underwater leak, suitable for the drilling and transport industries.
The Robot got a top-notch placement in the prestigious competition.

Identified a win-win-win opportunity for startups in search of funds, investment banking associations and fund investors, then designed a viable and innovative investment fund model around it.

For any question or inquiry about our past projects or what we can do for you, don't hesitate to contact us.